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Cyber Essentials certification


Show customers that you take cybersecurity seriously


Gain business by complying to the government standard


Keep ahead of emerging cyber threats


Free Cyber Insurance (if turnover is below £20m)

cyber essentials happiness

What is Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials logo transparent with white lettering

Cyber Essentials is a UK certification scheme designed to show an organisation has a minimum level of protection in cyber security through an annual assessment

Cyber Essentials is backed by the UK government and overseen by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).  It encourages organisations to adopt good practices in information security.

Cyber Essentials also includes an assurance framework and a simple set of security controls to protect information from threats coming from the internet.

What are the Cyber Essential controls?

To achieve Cyber Essentials certification, organisations are required to fulfull the Cyber Essentials Requirements

The requirements are organised around the five controls themes. This may help some organisations project manage their journey to Cyber Essentials certification

Firewalls and routers


Firewalls and routers for Cyber Essentials

Only necessary access from the internet

Secure configuration


Cyber Essentials Five Controls - no. 2 Secure Configuration

Change default passwords & remove the uneccessary

Security update management

Cyber Essentials Five Controls - no. 3 Security Update Management

Minimise your attack surface by keeping up to date

User Access Control


Cyber Essentials Five Controls - no. 2 Secure Configuration

Follow the principle of least privilege

Malware protection


Cyber Essentials Five Controls - no. 5 Malware Protection

Configure anti-malware & allow only approved software

How to get Cyber Essentials

1)   Purchase the appropriately sized Cyber Essentials certification (number of employees)

2)  Download the self-assessment.  Prepare the answers for your organisation in a spreadsheet or booklet

3)  [Optional] Upload your prepared answers to cybersafeguru for a free pre-submission review. Make any adjustments accordingly.

4)  Receive the portal login details. Complete the online assessment.

5)  You will receive your Cyber Essentials result.


Cyber Essentials Downloads

Cyber Essentials Questions and Requirements standard

Cyber Essentials logo

PDF Booklet

Handy for printing and reading

Excel Spreadsheet

Handy for data entry and pre-submission checks

The technical standard

Handy for getting in down in to the weeds

Cyber Essentials cost

Cyber Essentials certification is based on the information that you provide during the self-assessment.

This information is then verified and assessed by an official certification body such as Cyber Attack Ltd.

Cyber Essentials logo

Cyber Essentials cost depends on the number of employees.

Cyber Essentials operates through a self-assessment questionnaire.

Organisations respond to a set of questions that cover the assessment’s scope.

Answers are judged on five key controls: user access management, secure configuration, security updates, firewalls and routers, and malware protection.

A board member or equivalent must approve the responses, before submitting to Cyber Attack for marking the assessment.

0-9 Employees

£320 ex VAT

50-249 Employees

£500 + VAT

10-49 Employees

£420 + VAT

250+ Employees

£600 + VAT

Cyber Essentials cost depends on the number of employees.

Cyber Essentials operates through a self-assessment questionnaire.

Organisations respond to a set of questions that cover the assessment’s scope. 

Answers are judged on five key controls: user access management, secure configuration, security updates, firewalls and routers, and malware protection.

A board member or equivalent must approve the responses, before submitting to Cyber Attack for marking the assessment.

0-9 Employees

£320 + VAT

10-49 Employees

£420 + VAT

50-249 Employees

£500 + VAT

250+ Employees

£600 + VAT